1. Be Intentional. In my marriage, parenting and friendships. I want to be more intentional. I feel like I take the relationships I have for granted, but I also do not try hard enough to keep in contact with people that matter. Opposite of this I want to show more intention in building new relationships. You are never too old to make new friends (especially when you just moved to a new place). Really though, I want there to be purpose in everything I do. I have wasted enough time doing things that do not matter and I am learning more and more that time is precious, so I should use it wisely.
2. Try New Things. My pinterest board is full of DIYs and recipes that I have never tried, I have my own list of "hobbies" I have been wanting to try, and I'm sure my husband wouldn't mind me trying to do some of the things he loves as well. Day one of 2016 had me off to a good start. I opened a side business with Rodan + Fields. This is something I literally thought about for the entire year of 2015, but I let my fear and worry keep me from it. I decided it was worth a try, and I am excited to see what happens through R+F this year. Some other things I want to try: knitting, sewing something other than a straight line, improving my photography skills, backpacking, and weaving.
3. Show More Compassion. Honestly, some times I am really good at this, but most of the time I am not. I just want to stop assuming and guessing peoples intentions behind their actions and just show love no matter what. The world could use a lot more of that right now. Simple as that.
4. Fully Commit. In the past year I have taken on a few things (this blog, sunshine magazine, and now Rodan + Fields), but I have yet to put in the full commitment, effort and dedication to make them something really great. We have big dreams about our little blog and even Sunshine Magazine, but ultimately we want it to be something fun and uplifting for ourselves and our readers.
5. Be Content. I may have stolen this goal from Tori, but it was too good to not be on my list too! In a world full of pinterest, instagram and Facebook it can be really hard to be content with the things you have, the places you go, even the food you eat. It is no secret that we love shopping. Consumerism is FUN! But with great responsibility comes great contentment. Right? We are learning to be more wise with our spending (really we have no other choice right now), and some times those shoes or that dress can wait. Be content with where you are at. We do not all have to be the same...that would be boring.
I'm obsessed with the idea of a fresh start. New Year's happens to be one of my favorite times of the year and sometimes, dare I say it, I love Mondays because that's a fresh start to your week. I think we are super hard on ourselves to be perfect all the time. One mess up and we feel like we've ruined everything. I find beauty in the fact that you may not have been the person you wished you would have today but then you get a chance to go to sleep and wake up with another day to get it right. I've always made resolutions and tend to break them within a week or two but maybe by September I've got it right or 2 years later, it sticks. I had a blog for about 4 years documenting my weight loss/fitness journey (http://fromlazytolively.tumblr.com/) and I can tell you that it took me many many tries to start things in life and never finish them. Once I made it through a few workout challenges & 5ks, I realized I had the strength to finish things I started. I do have the typical new year's goals but I also have some other's I'm focusing on in a different way.
1. Self Love. I mentioned above that I had a weight loss blog and I did in fact lose weight but I also gained some back in the last year. I spent 2015 being SUPER hard on myself for not looking a certain way that I thought deserved more love that how I currently look. I am on a quest to continue to practice self love. Self love on days when I have a fresh breakout on my skin. On days when my hair is a frizzy mess or I have to buy a bigger size at the store. I've mentioned this a few times before but there is no weight requirement to being happy or loving yourself And past physical things I think self love is important on days when I'm cranky or mess up at work or have an anxiety flare up. I want to continue to learn and practice loving myself exactly where I am in life.
2. Be Active. This applies to fitness in a way where I would like to keep going to the gym. I have found my happy place dancing in a Zumba class but I also enjoy lifting weights and trying out other classes. I think being active for me is something I value in regards to my health and some aspects of my job (and life in general) can be heavy, so a trip to the gym helps ease that stress. I would also like to stay active in other aspects of life. I want to be active in cultivating my relationships with my current friends, new ones, my fiance and my family. Relationships take action, work, and purpose and I want to continue to work on that. And lastly, I want to be active in my home. I can be very lazy and I want to stay active in keeping my house organized, meal planning, and cooking. I just want to stay involved because it can be so easy to just sit back and do nothing.
3. Living with Less. I have a dear friend, Sarah, who has recently begun a journey in living with less. She has read a lot on the KonMari method and downsized her possessions in a dramatic fashion. I can be very protective of my "stuff" because I feel like I earned it but seeing her working so hard to give up so much has certainly inspired me. I have too many things. Too many clothes, too many shoes, too many coffee cups and instead of getting rid of some when I get new things, my pile continues to grow. I may only use 1/3 of my collection but there's something about having them that brought me comfort at some point. I also have serious FOMO when it comes to sales and deals so I'm always checking clearance racks or on the hunt for a good deal. Recently, all that stuff has just left me feeling heavy and overwhelmed. Little by little I'm trying to just allow myself to get rid of things. I would like to continue to make it a life where I live with less. I want to keep things in my house that I need or if its not necessarily a need it brings me joy vs. stress. This year I really want to focus on getting rid of the excess junk in my life.
4. Be Content. This ties in a lot with what was mentioned above and was actually inspired by this article I saw posted on Facebook. I relate to the author of the article in a way that I use shopping as a form of therapy. Kevin has a job that keeps him busier on the weekend nights. Those are the times where I find myself alone more often and it's very easy for me to get lonely so I would take trips to Target or just shop. Walking around can be therapeutic for me but also I ALWAYS find things I don't need. So this year I really want to limit trips to Target in my free time and find other things to invest in: baking, reading, crafting. Also part of this means I have to take away the pressure to constantly be buying more things. More than just stopping my frequent trips to the store it's unsubscribing from emails with companies and even unfollowing bloggers/Instagram shops I love that make me feel like I need what they have. I want to learn to be content with what I have (and even less than what I currently have) and not feel like every paycheck or week merits a shopping trip.
5. Get Married!! Okay, this seem obvious but I would like to make it through this year and plan the wedding Kevin and I really want. I'm really making sure that details of our wedding are what I want and will be comfortable with and not something the Knot or tradition tells me to do. I have amazing friends and family who have already been so helpful and it will be an experience for sure to plan and pretty much pay for this wedding all on our own. I'm excited for this next step in 2016. *insert bride emoji here*
We're ready for you, 2016!
Life's a Peach,
Leann & Tori
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