Peach Style: Leggings We Love

So, one of my hobbies is working out. What started as a quest for a healthier life has now turned into a habit of being active that I really love. It has been so cool to watch the fashion come alive in the world of workout clothing. It used to be wear baggy old clothes to the gym and now its another way to express yourself. Since I basically live in workout leggings, I thought I would share some of my favorite places to get mine.

1. Old Navy.
Price range: $15-$30

Old Navy compression pants are THE BEST. They are super comfortable, the compress in all the right places, and they are affordable which is awesome. When I first made the jump into wearing actual work out leggings I got my first pair from Old Navy. They're basic black compression leggings are a go to for me and they're constantly releasing fun prints. I am not afraid to admit I'm cheap so while the regular price for these compression pants runs from $24 to $27 dollars, I've gotten all of mine on sale for $15 or less. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for an affordable pair of workout pants.

2. Zumba.
Price Range: $10-$40

Okay, so if you know me, you know I also love me some Zumba. I have a whole post coming on that soon but while falling in love with Zumba, my friend Sarah introduced me to Zumba Wear and its pretty amazing. They have so many styles of leggings. Lots of bright colors, metallics(!!), patterns, lengths, and even just plain black ones. I now have 3 pairs of their leggings. They have lots of sales and show up on Zulily so that's when I get mine. So if you go to Zumba or just want some quality leggings, I recommend them! Apart from a small logo possibly on the pants they don't usually have the word ZUMBA all over them if that's not what you're into.  I have been building my Zumba wear collection and plan to do a post on that in the future. Like I said, it's been a fun way to express myself when going to workout!

3. WalMart
Price Range: $12-$18

I'm not sure if you know this but Wal Mart has been stepping their game up in their clothing selection. Thanks to an instagram I started following called Whoa,Wait. Walmart?, my eyes have been opened to the fact that there are some gems hidden in this massive store. Normally I'm a Target girl 100% but the Wal Marts in Kansas aren't too bad and you can't beat the price. I have two pairs of workout leggings from here. The first pair are pretty good but the most recent pair I bought are AMAZING. I love the quality, the style and the fit! I've noticed they keep a good range of patterns and colors. I've even purchased a few sports bras from them which have been great. So next time you're in Wal Mart, head over to the active wear section and take a peek. You might be surprised at the cute options available.

Brands To try:

While those are my main places I currently have my leggings from, there are a lot more brands that are releasing active wear that I hope to try out soon. Here are some leggings on my workout wish list.

I'm pretty sure my wish list could go on and on but I end it there. What's even cooler is to see these brands now create active wear to go along in their plus size range. And I don't know about you but I also love to wear my leggings to places other than the gym because they are comfortable and well sometimes a good pair of compression pants makes you feel good.

Let us know your favorite place to get leggings!

Life's a Peach,


1 comment:

  1. You have mentioned some new workout gear brands here and all these looks amazing. I like these designer leggings from Forever 21. I would definitely try their workout clothes. These truly look investment worthy.
